Weight Training For Middle Aged Women

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 3:43 AM -

Working with weights is the best way to stay fit and sexy
Since you are now well understood that lifting those tiny pink dumbbells isn’t going to fetch you a lean, fit and strength body that you've always dreamed of. Then let’s discuss what you can do to achieve your desired body.

Studies put up some compelling facts about weight training for women who have crossed 40 thresholds or on the verge of completing it. There are extremely good argument for the value of weight training apart from cardio at this age. Mostly we observe women doing cardio rather than strength training because sometimes it feels like hitting iron is like entering into a “man’s world”, therefore, it is not so intimidating for most women. However, the benefits are huge and you will get the fit, sexy ever shining body if you do some resistance training.

Loose your body fat by some resistance

Do some heavy duty exercises to remain fit and smart
Wayne Westcott, PhD, from the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts found of his research that on average 3 times a week high duty strength training can significantly help to lose nearly 6 pounds of muscle in two months, albeit with proper diet strategy. The growth of lean muscles accelerates burning of fat by increasing metabolism. 

Gain Strength Without Bulk like Men

Strength training has this advantage that you gain muscles as well as strength. As you increase lifting more weights, it pressurizes your muscle for more strength. Women do not get bulk like men unless they use synthetic hormone because they have significantly less testosterone than men. Still weight training cut down your fat tissues and give prominence to your muscles underneath the soft fat.

Decrease Osteoporosis Risk

Proper form is essential to get maximum benefits
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that makes bones fragile and succumbs to fractures. Studies found that weight training reduces this risk even in the late 50s women who do regular weight training. Strength training, proper diet coupled with calcium supplement is the best way to prevent osteoporosis even in older ages.

Iron makes you physically stronger

Increase in strength means you have to less depend on your male counterpart for day to day living. Lifting kids, carry shopping bag from the grocery store, laundry, house refurbishment will become easier. This also helps to prevent less injury, back pain, arthritis, and bone and muscle diseases.

Fight depression, enliven positive attitude

A fit body is complementary to a healthy mind. When you feel you are fit and strong, 50% of depression reasons are already vanished. Women who do strength training are more confident, smart and live life in a more holistic way.


Written by Admin

Fitness Allegator primary objective is to alleging ill fit body and mind. The broader goal is to inspire people to make positive changes, both in physical body and mental stratum. The mean is to create a fun quotient in every fitness attempt, so all fitness tips aim to make everything joyful, and not a tedious task.


  1. Nice crispy examples with attractive photographs. I like the video..

    It is true strength training can do much effect on our body rather just aerobics or cardio..

  2. I'm pretty sure all the women featured are not over 40 or even close to it.

  3. Well, women strength training is the key to success and can help women in all walks of life.
    Women Strength Training
