What Can We Do About Smoking?

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 1:01 AM -

Smoking is a personal matter. Other than being somewhat annoying to some people it harms no one except the smoker. Tobacco manufacturers are trying to reduce the hazards. They are spending large sums of money in research, but until they are successful, certain steps should be taken to protect the health of the nation. Here are some possibilities, which have been suggested:
  1. An educational program should be launched to warn young people of the danger of the tobacco habit and to induce older persons to cut down on cigarette smoking.
  2. Laws restricting the sale of tobacco to minors should be enforced.
  3. Wider restriction against smoking in public places might reduce the social acceptance of smoking.
  4. An increase in the cigarette tax might discourage smokers.
  5. Lower rates on life insurance policies for non-smokers might be stressed and put into practice.
  6. Warnings on cigarette labels, indicating that they may be dangerous, should be taken seriously.
The will to quit. It takes strong motivation, a good reason, and lots of will power for a smoker to quit. If you are a smoker and wish to give up the habit, make careful plans. List reasons for not smoking. Take advantage of any possible change in your daily routine; announce your plan in order that your friends may help you; avoid regular routine. Make plans for spending the money you will save by quitting. Once you start don’t waver but stay with your decision. The first few days, even the first two weeks are the most annoying. Success takes three or four months – or until you can go through your regular routine without the desire to smoke.


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