Build a sexy back for women: pump like a man

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 11:58 AM -
sexy back exercise for women
Back is probably one of the overlooked muscle parts of women. Often women develop lower body parts but very out of proportion on the upper region. They tone they arms, legs, abdomen, shoulders but no back!

Many women do lots of push-ups but can’t do a single pull-up! This is unfortunate because back muscles are important muscle group, as it gives a stability to the whole body and make it proportion to the heavy lower portion. Let us find us some good back routine to get sexy and tone-up back muscles.

Shoulder Press – Shoulder press is the basic exercise to strengthen your shoulders. A strong shoulder is necessary to develop good back because almost all the back exercises require strong shoulders. Start with dumbbells and gradually lift it heavy. At least 3 sets are necessary. Lift maximum weight with 3-5 repetition in the last set.

Upright Row – This is singularly best exercise to develop mass in your back. You can start it with dumbbells and gradually shift to barbell.

Side Lateral Raise – Side lateral is again a good exercise to develop shoulder muscles. It is a good exercise to develop definition in your shoulders.

Push Ups – The basic exercise, most lovable and enduring. You can do push ups any time, anywhere. Do as many push-ups before your training, and always do sets to failure.

Pull-Ups – Another great freehand exercise for back as well as latisimus dorsi. It is the best exercise to shape your back.

Back and Shoulders exercises for women
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 12
Dumbbell Upright Row 3 12
Bent Over Dumbbell Row 3 12
Side Lateral Raise 3 6-10
Push Ups 3 Failure
Pull Ups 3 Failure


Written by Admin

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