Top 6 Hollywood Vegan Celebrities

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 12:19 AM -
There is no particular reason, it could be anything – save animals, weight loss, and health reasons or just follow the fashion bandwagon, starts in American celebrity sphere are becoming vegetarian, and some even discarded dairy products from their diet. Who are the top celebrities who have adapted this lifestyle? Let’s find out.

1.    Jason Mraz

The sexy reggae artist Jason Mraz won “Favorite Male Artist” at the People’s Choice Awards, and also took hearts away of vegan lovers when he announced that he was a total plant based human. According to his statement he is now healthier, developed problem solving capabilities and can do more pull-ups than before.

2.    Tobey Maguire

Spiderman is not new in vegan bandwagon. He was vegetarian since 19 years of age, but switched to vegan diet in 2009. For him switching over to vegan diet was simple because he always had a difficulty in touching meat.

3.    Dax Shepard

The ‘Parenthood’ star and fiancé to another vegan start Kristen Bell decided to be a vegan almost one year back. According to Playboy magazine he felt “damn good” about his diet and finding more love for Bell.

4.    Woody Harrelson

Woody Harrelson said his vegan lifestyle was dedicated to a stranger girl who advised him to leave dairy products when he was 24 year old young man who always suffered from acne and leaky nose. After three days of dairy free and meat free diet he experienced the change and since then he was a devoted vegan.

5.    Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller revealed last summer about his improved diet and lifestyle. He kicked off his much loved coffee and became vegan. Though he admitted he didn’t totally abandon fish, so technically he’s a pescatarian.

6.    Anna Hathaway

Probably the greatest vegan celebrity in Hollywood, Anna overdid veganism to a bit more. She had custom vegan shoes for her role in Les Miserables in order to avoid animal product.

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