How To Shape My Butt

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 10:21 AM -

Nice butts is the result of hard work alone
May be you are fascinated about butts of athletic women and have fantasies of nice shaped butts to fit your skinny jeans. Don’t think about genetics; those are lame excuses of lazy people. Don’t stick with your negative image; rather put law of attraction theory into your daily fitness regimen.

Step 1 – Strength training exercises like squat, lunges, one-legged cable kickbacks and hamstring curls are great way to enhance a perfect shape of buttocks. For the old notion; heavy training is for men. In fact without giving enough resistance to your muscles, you can’t build it. This is fact. Believe it or not.

Step 2 – Form is everything in iron training, so maintain a proper form while exercise. Another important factor is rest. Rest your buttocks for at least 48 hours after a heavy workout. After shedding jelly fat from the butts, it times to grow, so give enough rest to grow your muscles.

Step 3 – Employ low reps high weight training. 

Step 4 – Do running, skipping, cycling and swimming for at least 40 minutes every day. 

Step 5 – Eat a clean diet. Strictly avoid fat and greasy food, avoid cakes, pastries, carbonated drinks, ice cream and chips. For a fitness freak, these things are like poison. Consume lots of raw protein from animal protein source, milk and whey.

Step 6 – Don’t ever go for any sort of cosmetic surgery. In one year if you fail, accept that you are unable to do anything with your fat butts. Accept it and be happy!


Written by Admin

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