Diet Strategies For Women In Strength Training Program

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 1:04 AM -
Push ups- the very basic of strength training
Strength training is the most effective way to train, shape, develop, and define muscles of the body ever devised. And although it is extremely beneficial for getting stronger and healthier, looking better, and improving your ability at athletic performance from baseball to golf and skiing to football, it is also a sport – in fact, one of the most demanding, difficult, and disciplined of any sport in existence. 

Making a diet strategy is easy, following is difficult. Sometimes you notice you follow religiously some diet but it is less or no effect on your body. There are number of factors influence on your body such as genetics, metabolism, calorie consumption, quality of diet, type of exercise and amount of exercise. For a life-long healthy body with proper shape demands hard-work and consistently follow a diet strategy for strength training program.

Writing It All Down

  •  Create a detail and specific diet plan; writing it down, and keeping careful track of what and how much you eat every day in a diet diary.
  • Use a food scape to measure cups and spoons to calculate calories
  • Eating frequently every 4-5 hours. This will increase your BMR and simultaneously gives your energy for strength training
  • Taking sufficient amount of health supplements such as protein shake, vitamin capsules, creatinine phosphate for additional muscle growth
  • Drink a lot of water, almost 4-5 liters a day
Heavy duty training demands lots of protein and water

Eating Lots Of Fruits And Flesh

Practically it is very difficult to eat all the time. Many bodybuilders complain about how difficult it is to constantly interrupt their daily activities to stop and eat. But you can’t help it, for a better body and fitness, you have to eat good food, and that’s also for a consistent period of time. It is always better to carry plastic containers of food, containing skinless chicken, tuna, baked potatoes, fruits, turkey, eggs etc. Eat lots of protein to shed fat. It is true that protein promotes burning of fat and accumulation of muscles in your body, but you have to train in that way.


Your stomach is not a waste basket!
When your diet strictly for a long period, especially when you are training hard, it is easy to deprive your body of essential levels of nutrients. Don’t deprive yourself from carbohydrate and suffer from ketosis. The high protein diet ensures you are supplied with adequate amount of muscles but when it comes to carbohydrate, many women ignore that nutrient from their diet. It won’t help much because for a constant energy level you need daily supply of wholesome carb diet. 

Even the body also needs essential fatty acids for proper growth and training. First of all, you don’t need to consume 10% fat to get a ripped body, 20% fat is strict enough for a fit and lovely body. Second, if you are mentally blocked to consume fat food, you can take essentially fatty acid supplements.

Metabolic Slowdown

Fluid is your best friend
The body always maintains the internal homeostasis to keep everything in balance. So, if you cut your calorie intake, eventually your basal metabolic rate also slows down, this is of course damaging to your dieting strategy.  

Training in gym and outside like running or aerobics always stimulates the metabolic rate. You can counter it with variation in calories intake over the time. For example, you take 2500 calories every day and want to go for a 2000 or less calorie diet. You need to do is to make an average 2000 calories, sometimes you increase the calories intake by 2600 and other time 1500 to keep your metabolic rate stimulates. 

Measure Your Body Change

There are number of ways of keeping careful track of the changes in your body composition such as ‘The Scale’, The Tape Measure’, ‘Body Fat Measurement’, “The Mirror’ and ‘The Self Click Method’.


Written by Admin

Fitness Allegator primary objective is to alleging ill fit body and mind. The broader goal is to inspire people to make positive changes, both in physical body and mental stratum. The mean is to create a fun quotient in every fitness attempt, so all fitness tips aim to make everything joyful, and not a tedious task.