Exercise And Your Health

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 11:51 AM -
Do your stretch

Exercise improves your fitness and well-being in many ways. For example, it:
  • Reduces stress and tension, and aids relaxation
  • Increases strength and stamina
  • Improves sleep
  • Aids weight loss and control. Studies of obesity show that for most overweight people, exercise is an essential addiction to any change in dietary habits.
  • Improves your respiratory and cardiovascular systems and reduces the risk of heart and arterial diseases
  • Helps to relieve depression
  • Tones your muscles, which improves your appearance
  • Improves your sex life
  • Helps to relieve pain, such as backache and menstrual pain
  • Increases body flexibility and helps to delay signs of aging
  • Improves general health. People who exercise regularly take fewer days off sick
  • Helps you to give up smoking or helps prevent you starting again


Written by Admin

Fitness Allegator primary objective is to alleging ill fit body and mind. The broader goal is to inspire people to make positive changes, both in physical body and mental stratum. The mean is to create a fun quotient in every fitness attempt, so all fitness tips aim to make everything joyful, and not a tedious task.