Why I Need To Do Weight Training For Fitness

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 10:56 AM -

No Excuse for bodybuilding!
Training with weights has become the number one athletic activity in the United States, the most popular form of exercise in the whole country? So, you need to do weight training for your fitness? What’s difference between free-hand training and weight training? Let’s see.

In recent times, more and more people making use of weight training who are not competition bodybuilders or professional athletes, but simply want to get fit, to look good and feel better, and to keep their bodies as young and strong as possible as they get older.

Shed you fat, reveal your beautiful muscles
During bodybuilding to get in great shape and to keep your body fit and strong makes sense. If this method can produce the best built bodies in the world, certainly it will work for people who don’t need bulging muscles but remain fit for longer time. Professional bodybuilding is not for everyone; it demands genetics, full-time dedication and huge investment on food and supplement. However, professional bodybuilders are the fit people because their muscle tissue strength is unparalleled. So, if you are bringing less to the table, isn’t it important to use the most efficient and effective means of developing your body possible? After all, who wants to waste time and effort exercising without results?

Why Muscular Fitness is Important?

Weight training to grow strong and lean
Fitness experts, doctors and researches all alike admit that muscular fitness is the most important factor to fitness. Well, as we have seen, muscles are adaptive, they change accordingly to what and how much they are asked to do. Throughout most of human history, labor was done primarly by the human body. People didn’t need exercise; they needed a rest! A hundred years ago the physical exertion of even a relatively sedentary individual would exhaust most people today.

So what happens to our “modern muscles”? we sit all around our desk, our hand-me-the-remote-control-so-that-I-don’t-have-to-get-up-and-change-channels universe rules our sedentary lifestyle. Simple – we don’t use our muscles they atrophy and shrink. We don’t use them, we lose them. This happens slowly in our twenties, more quickly in our thirties, and accelerates after. However, we can do something about it. And the specific program that best counteracts this deterioration of youthful muscle mass is weight training.

You don't need bulk, you need ripples
Don’t worry about “getting big”. Concern yourself instead with keeping what you already have. As Alice found in Alice in Wonderland, sometimes you have to run faster and faster to stay in the same place.

Having strong and fit muscles keeps you looking and feeling good. It increases your ability to play sports, even if you are only a weekend athlete. 

What I Gain by Doing Bodybuilding?

Weight training for everybody
·    •    Bodybuilding training tends to stabilize or lower blood pressure over a period of time.
•    It strengthens the back and so reduces the chances of back problems.
•    Increase the flow of blood to the skin, making you younger looking and supple.
•    Exercise is a stress reducer, and the benefits of lower stress are numerous.
•    Muscles burn calories. The more muscles you have, the higher rate of BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
•    Good way of introducing discipline and control in the rest of your life.
•    You pay more attention to your diet and eating habits.
•    Lastly, why cover up those beautiful muscles with unsightly fat?


Written by Admin

Fitness Allegator primary objective is to alleging ill fit body and mind. The broader goal is to inspire people to make positive changes, both in physical body and mental stratum. The mean is to create a fun quotient in every fitness attempt, so all fitness tips aim to make everything joyful, and not a tedious task.