Huge Jackman may woo fans by his ripped body in his new Wolverine movie, but health professionals have warned people to follow his intermittent fasting diet. It is noted that Jackman appeared totally in different physique in his Jean Valijean character in last movie “Les Misérables”.
According to Huge Jackman transforming into the Wolverine was impossibly tough after his character in Les Miserables. He needed a lean, ripped muscular body with bulging veins that’s why he underwent intermittent fasting where he was not eating for long and then ate a lot.
The diet program includes alternate periods of fasting and intervals of eating. This eating pattern is recently very popular for quick weight loss than conventional dieting.
Fasting compels body to use its reserve fuel, so people without a genetic reason of overweight, will lose weight. The problem arises because fasting has adverse reactions to the body. During fasting, basal metabolic rate becomes low, this allows loss fat to add quickly once start eating food.
Jackman himself advised people to monitor their health in intermittent fasting and admitted it was a great stress on the body.