Why breast cancer kills black women?

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 12:04 PM -

A diagnostic study shows breast cancer is more likely to kill black women than white, a discrepancy is chiefly because of health problems before carcinoma develops in the body.  In a study it shows 55.9% black women survived after cancer while 68.8% of white women are survived who are in the same age, lived in the same area and diagnosed cancer in the same year.

This has led to believe that the black women are more likely to die with the disease than the white women. It is because they were sicker from the beginning, for example 26% of black women already had diabetes who suffered from cancer, whereas 15.3% of white women had diabetes.

The study also shows the black women are likely to suffer from bigger tumors and more advanced cancers than white counterparts. White patients are quick to get into treatment after diagnosed with breast cancer, but black women wait for long. This also could be reason behind the death of black patients than the white.


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