Assess Your Lifestyle With Some Easy Tests

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 1:40 AM -

Morpheus says it right!
Your lifestyle has a great influence on your health and sense of well-being. It also reflects your personality and philosophy of living. Of course, not all aspects of life, such as your place of work and your home, can be easily changed. However, you be imposing unnecessary stresses on yourself by failing to recognize problem areas. Answer the questions of this page and find out how much your way of life may be affecting your health and happiness.

Test ONE

Your Working Life
Work-life balance is a myth - There is only living
Many people appear to be oblivious to their work environment. However, since you probably spend about eight hours a day at your job, you need to consider the effect the workplace has on you. Ask yourself these questions to see how your environment measures up.
  1. Subject to excessive noise
  2. Cramped with too much furniture/equipment
  3. Poorly lit
  4. Inadequately heated/cooled and ventilated
  5. Drab and depressing looking
  6. Generally messy and dirty


If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these points, consider how to improve the condition. Foro example, try to rearrange the furniture to create more space and take better advantage of any natural light; cheer up the place with pictures and plants; and discuss improvements to basic systems with the people responsible.

Test TWO

Getting To Work

Monday blue is scary...
Most people have to travel some distance to get to work and home again. Think about these questions to see if you are doing this in the best way.

  1. Have your options for getting to work?
  2. Does your journey take more than one hour each way?
  3. Can you reduce the cost, stress, and pollution of daily traveling?

The most suitable method of transportation gets you to your destination fastest, with the minimum amount of stress and discomfort. Is it worth leaving home earlier to avoid the crowding and frustrations of rush hours? Can you bicycle to the station, or walk to the next bus stop to combine getting exercise with getting to work? Can you reduce your traveling time by changing your route? If you have to travel by car, can you arrange for a pool with colleagues?


Your Home Life
Home environment sometimes fussy
You may be so accustomed to your home surroundings that it does not occur to you to reassess them. Use these questions to help you see if you need to make improvements.
  1. Are all the rooms well laid out for comfort and for efficient use?
  2. Is the lighting adequate for reading, sewing, and relaxing?
  3. Are the heating, cooling, humidifying, and ventilating facilities adequate?
  4. Do the walls look clean and cheerful?
  5. Are you free from excessive outside noise?
  6. Does each member of the household have enough space and privacy?

Answering “no” to any of these questions means that your home is producing a background of discomfort and tension, which has a negative effect on your general well-being. See what positive action you can take to remedy these ills. For example, perhaps you can reorganize the furniture to make the rooms more spacious, redecorate to give a more cheerful appearance, replace inefficient appliances. 


Your Emotional Life

You home is principally responsible for your emotional health
  1. Do you have a good relationship with your children?
  2. Is your sex life satisfying?
  3. Do you have a well-rounded social life?
  4. Do your loved ones feel loved?
  5. Do you feel loved?

Communication is the key to beginning to change any “No” to “Yes”. If you have answered “no” to any of these questions, first ask yourself why it is so. Then take the initiative in discussing the problem with the person with the person or persons concerned. Remember that communication is also about listening, and that the solution to problems lies in taking positive action.


How Do You Use Your Leisure
Leisure time is for happiness, not boredom
Are you aware that it takes an effort to use your leisure well; an effort of planning to create extra time and an effort of will not to lapse back into bad habits? More important, do you enjoy your leisure activities to the full? Count up “Yes” answers only.

  1. Watch TV more than 2 hours, on 4 or more evenings a week?- 0
  2. See friends at least twice a week?- 2         
  3. Take the family out for some fresh air and exercise at the weekends?- 3
  4. Go to museums, theaters, the movies?- 2
  5. Often wander around stores for lack of anything else to do?- 1
  6. Tinker around at home?- 1
  7. Make time for exercise more than 3 times a week?- 4
  8. Spend 4 or 5 hours a week on an active hobby?- 4
  9. Spend 4 or 5 hours a week on a sedentary hobby?- 3
  10. Play a team sport regularly?- 4
  11. Go out eating and drinking every night? - 0
  12. Go to a class or club every week?- 3
  13. Set aside time to relax/think/meditate alone?- 3
  14. Organize the rest of the family?- 0
  15. Does office work at home?- 0
  16. Not really have any leisure?- 4
  17. Work on the home?- 3
  18. Enjoy your work?- 3


Add up your score.

30 or over
You have a healthy, balanced lifestyle and deserve a sense of well-being.

You have a positive attitude toward leisure, but might benefit from some more physical exercise

You need to rethink priorities. Your free time may not be evenly balanced, and you might benefit from introducing more variety and activity into your leisure time.

Under 10
You probably do not enjoy your free time much. If you often find yourself at loose ends, try to increase your circle of friends, do more exercise, and cultivate a new interest. If you never have enough time to yourself, try to reorganize your life. 


Written by Admin

Fitness Allegator primary objective is to alleging ill fit body and mind. The broader goal is to inspire people to make positive changes, both in physical body and mental stratum. The mean is to create a fun quotient in every fitness attempt, so all fitness tips aim to make everything joyful, and not a tedious task.