All babies cry most of the time. They have to. Crying is the only technique of communication for babies. There is nothing such worry about crying as a healthy infant may cry for somewhere between one and three hours each day. However, most of the time crying baby seems upsetting for parents and it is obvious. As infants are unable to do anything, they instinctively rely on somebody else for their basic needs such as food, warmth and comfort. Crying is only their way of communication for want of one of those needs.
However, sometimes a very distressed baby cry and it sounds different to her normal crying. That may be because of some physical ailments like trouble breathing, fever, vomiting, diarrhea or some other problems. In the early days most of parents can’t recognize the meaning of baby crying and gradually they upset of seeing their baby crying, but after sometimes people will gradually recognize the different crying patterns and get to know better when baby feel hunger or thirsty and anticipate his or her needs.
Parental Guide for Crying Baby
• If your baby is crying that means he or she needs your comfort. You may not always able to stop the crying instantly, but you can provide comfort, help to cope with his or her sufferings. According to modern researches, when parents especially mother gives comfort to her infant instantly, they have less tendency to cry when they become older.

• You need to find the reason behind the crying. Is she hungry? Is she has abnormal bowel syndrome? Is she in an uncomfortable position? Does she need a cuddle? Babies need feed more often than a normal child. The breast feeding is recommended. You need to check whether she feel too hot or cold or may be need to change of nappy and cloths. These things are important to check baby crying.
• Holding your baby is also very important to check crying. The best position is to hold your baby high over your shoulder so that his or her stomach is being pressed into your shoulder bone. Another comfortable technique is to hold your baby seated in your hand with his back to your chest and your other hand across his chest, wrapping your thumb and fingers around his upper arm. Most common method to pacify the crying of babies to cradle her in arms, pressing her tummy to yours tightly.
• A gentle massage treatment on back or tummy can ease her. If the baby is crying because of wind, feed her in more upright position and winding her after a feed by holding her against your shoulder. Sometimes, babies crying continuously, this thing terms as colic. This thing can continue inconsolable crying for at least three hours a day, for at least three days a week.
• Giving your baby a massage or gently rubbing her back or tummy can help soothe her. If she seems to have pains with wind, try feeding her in a more upright position and winding her after a feed by holding her against your shoulder. Babies who have colic may sometimes be soothed by having their tummies rubbed, and it may make you feel better to know that at least you are trying to do something to help your baby's distress.