Essential Facts About Preventing and Curing Hemorrhoids

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 10:46 PM -

Pain during BM
Are you scared of seeing blood in your toilet paper? Are you regularly felt some itching in your anus area? Feel pain during constipation? If these symptoms dominant in your bodily function, you are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids. Don’t get panicked; it is a common syndrome for most of the middle-aged people, more dominantly in women who are more often suffered from some classic symptoms like anus pain, itching in rectal area, bleeding and in serious cases protrusion of hemorrhoids from the anus canal. So, how do I cure hemorrhoids?

What is a hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoid is not a disease in itself. It is like appendix, every one of us has hemorrhoids, which is the pillow-like cluster of veins that lined up in the lowest part of the rectum and the anus. When those veins become swollen and protruded similar to varicose veins in legs, we call it piles or hemorrhoids. 

What are the types of hemorrhoids?

Women are more susceptible to hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids again segregated into two types: internal that swollen in the lower rectum and external, which is more painful and uncomfortable because it occurs below the skin nearby anus. In some serious cases, blood clot forms in the area around anus, which causes pain and extreme irritation. Internal hemorrhoids on the other hand painless, which can be evident in your toilet paper and toilet bowl in the form of bright red blood. Internal hemorrhoids can be dangerous because apparently it does not cause any pain but internally it can be prolapsed beyond the anus. 

 How can you diagnose hemorrhoids? 

External hemorrhoids are apparent and generally diagnosed by lump around anus and blood clot. Moreover, if you suffer from a regular blood loss in your toilet bowl or see blood in your toilet paper, consult your doctor. A simple examination and medical history can diagnose possible piles. 

Who are more likely being sufferers?

I have experienced mostly adults ages 45 to 65 suffer from this disease. It is also predominant in pregnant women. People who are suffering from prolong constipation problem are more likely suffer from it. Pregnancy increases pressure within piles veins and causes them to swell. Chronic live disease can also cause hemorrhoids.

When to seek medical attention?

Bleeding from any body part is not normal and immediate seeking your doctor. If you observe blood in your stool or toilet paper in a regular basis, consult your doctor. Rectal bleeding is not the only cause of piles; it can be a serious matter like colon cancer or any other internal problem.

If you loss significant amount of blood associated with lightheadedness and severe weakness, immediate consult a primary health care practitioner. An abdominal pain is not a symptom of hemorrhoids, but if you feel a pain, then consults your physician.

How can I Prevent Hemorrhoids?

The risk can be minimized by consuming high fiber diet, drink lots of water every day, and do some exercises daily to keep yourself fit. Don’t resist your bowel movement and to clear it after the urge arises.


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